Gob Stopper V2 has the same external appearance as its predecessor but differs in a couple of key ways.
Firstly, it is based around Bill Cutler's superb Gamex design. This means it has not one, but two solutions. Of course, we send it out assembled in the simpler of the two, can you find the other?
Secondly, we have tweaked the tumbling process on this one which means this ball is just a little bit shinier than the original Gob Stoppers.
We particularly like this puzzle, it not only looks fantastic it is an engineering challenge in it's own right. To make these unique turned puzzle balls :
- We make and assemble a regular Gamex Puzzle
- The puzzle is placed in a lathe, in the correct orientation. There's only one.
- The puzzle is machined into a ball and we hope it stays assembled. Another reason for using the Gamex it is less likely to spontaneously disassemble than the Missionary design!
- Carefully dismantle the ball-shaped puzzle.
- Tumble each piece (for hours) to ensure every edge is gently rounded.
- Re-assemble each ball, pack in a blue ball sack, and post!
Although these puzzles will not be limited, the manufacturing process means, we are always likely to make these in smaller batches than our other puzzles.
This puzzle displays wonderfully, Steve's Mum has one on her sideboard!