fter our Kickstarter campaign for Kong we wanted to make a similar puzzle design available to a wider audience. Our Pygmy and Marmoset puzzles are the result.
The puzzles are named after the smallest monkey in the animal Kingdom, the Pygmy Marmoset.
They have the exact same shape as Kong, but entirely new assemblies. So two new and different puzzles. Made from 9mm rods, with an overall size of 45x45x36mm these mini monkeys weigh just over half a pound each. The final few pictures show "Marmoset" next to Kong.
Although they are smaller scale than previous puzzles they have the same quality of machining you have come to expect from us.
The two puzzles are broadly equivalent in difficulty to Kong. The three puzzles are a complementary set of designs.
Like Kong, these are tricky 13 piece burrs but are still within the reach of the typical puzzler. Both come disassembled. Perfect desk fidget toys.
There is a discount if you buy the pair.